Tuesday, Feb. 4, 2020
7-8:15pm; doors open at 6:30 for tabling
West Shore UUC, Rocky River
Join us in welcoming three speakers Tuesday for our Monthly Speaker Series on first Tuesdays!
Dr. Brooks Berndt, UCC Minister for Environmental Justice, Author of Sounding the Trumpet: How Churches Can Answer God’s Call to Justice. Berndt focuses on two areas: advancing the Green New Deal, and a forthcoming report on toxic air pollution in relationship to children, low-income neighborhoods, and communities of color in the United States.
Ms. Yvonka Marie Hall, MPA Executive Director of the Northeast Ohio Black Health Coalition; co founder of the Cleveland Lead Safe Network; nationally recognized health disparities expert; board member of the Ohio Healthy Homes Network; Health & Human Services Region V Health Education Advisory Committee; Multi Ethnic Advocates for Cultural Competency (MACC).
Jocelyn Travis, Sierra Club Central Region organizing manager; board member of the Ohio League of Women Voters; vice president of the North Coast Unit of Parliamentarians; Ready for 100 campaign manager with the Ohio Sierra Club, where she worked with community members to obtain Cleveland’s commitment to 100% clean energy, with a goal to ensuring an equitable and just transition. Jocelyn developed a curriculum for Community Dialogues.