JAN 26 – Invite to Regional FACT meeting at West Shore in Rocky River

FACT: Faith Communities Together For Frack Awareness

Our participants come from more than 40 faith communities in Ohio, from 16 Ohio counties (and three in West Virginia), Including Catholics, Protestants, and Jews from more than ten faith traditions, working together To protect God’s Creation.

The moral power of the individual should never be underestimated. But when we work together, uniting the moral power  of many individuals, we can accomplish great things.


Saturday, January 26  11 a.m. – 1 p.m.
West Shore Unitarian Universalist Church
20401 Hilliard Blvd., Rocky River, Ohio 44116 • (440) 333-2255

Come and join us in confronting–from a faith perspective–the problems that resource extraction, especially fracking, have been causing for communities and families in rural, suburban, and urban areas.

Please join us in working together to protect God’s Creation, which sustains all living beings on this planet.

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