May 21, 2017: Solar Breakfast at West Shore

6th/7th graders are holding this fundraising breakfast ($5) to raise money to purchase one of the solar panels that will be installed on the church roof.

March 15, 2017: “What You Need to Know About Pipelines”

Come hear Cheryl Johncox, National Dirty Fuels Organizer for the Sierra Club, and Kathie Jones, Convener of Sustainable Medina County explain why pipelines have become such a controversial topic nationally and in Ohio.

March 18, 2017: Special Event – Alan Lockwood Presenting at Statewide Meeting

Alan H. Lockwood, M.D., F.A.A.N., will speak on “Protecting Health on a Warming Planet.” His topic is the subtitle of his newest book, Heat Advisory (MIT Press 2016). Dr. Lockwood is Emeritus Professor of Neurology and Nuclear Medicine at the University at Buffalo and a Senior Scientist and long-time Board Member at Physicians for Social Responsibility.