Ohio Supreme Court Rejects Blatantly Gerrymandered Districts

By Anne Caruso In 2015 Ohioans overwhelmingly voted to amend the Ohio Constitution to require fair district maps for state elections. These maps were to be drawn by a bi-partisan Ohio Redistricting Commission whose membership would favor the party in power. The current commission is composed of 2 Democrats and 5 Republicans.  Last year this […]

Don’t Look Down: Frack Waste in Martins Ferry

by Randi Pokladnik, PhD Recently, I took a drive around the streets surrounding the 4K Industrial Park in Martins Ferry, Ohio. Part of the industrial park includes buildings that were once part of old Wheeling-Pittsburg Steel. The area sits in a flood plain along the Ohio River. About 2500 feet from the site is the […]

Was COP 26 Up to the Challenge?

By Anne Caruso,  November 18, 2021 From November 1-14, 2021, 197 Heads of State met in Glasgow for COP26. This was the 26th time since 1995 that world leaders met at a Conference of Parties (COP) to the Paris Climate Agreement addressing the planet’s changing climate due to heightened greenhouse gases (GHG) emissions. The goal […]

Redistricting Hearings in Ohio

I would like to draw your attention to the issue of unfair representation of my neighborhood and of neighborhoods across the state.  Pew Research Center indicates that 42% of voting Ohioans lean toward policies held by Republicans, 40% lean toward policies held by Democrats and 18% have no party affiliation. To ensure fair representation in […]

Electric School Buses Reduce Pollution, but New Infrastructure Deal Slashed Funding

By Arianna Skibell, E&E News on July 30, 2021 Advocates worry that reduced funds will not go to the communities most in need. Bobby Monacella was tired of sending her two kids to school on buses filled with diesel fumes. Pollution levels inside those iconic yellow buses can be up to 10 times higher than outside. “They’re sitting on […]

Connecting the Dots: Planet, People, Power

Saturday, August 7th 10:00 am – 11:30 am Register at http://bit.ly/environmentaljusticeppp Does your organization do Environmental Justice work in Ohio?  Would you like an opportunity to deepen your understanding of how Environmental Justice relates to Racial Justice?  How much more could you do if you could connect with more volunteers in your area who want […]

Anti-Protest Bills in Ohio

The stated purpose of House Bill 22 is to expand the offense of obstructing justice to include “diverting a law enforcement officer’s attention.” HB 22 would make the exercise of free speech and the right to assemble a felony if a police officer becomes “distracted” by yelling, chanting, or even throwing confetti.  Ohio already has […]

The Role of Fossil Fuel Subsidies in Preventing Action on the Climate Crisis

Greta Thunberg and Jill Hunkler were among six speakers at The Role of Fossil Fuel Subsidies in Preventing Action on the Climate Crisis congressional committee hearing on April 22. Jill Hunkler is a resident of Belmont County who has been displaced by fracking development. Greta Thunberg is the founder of Fridays For Future.  Jill Hunkler […]